Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Lovers Leap

we spent one day at Lover's Leap in South Lake Tahoe on our way to Sacramento, CA.  i have to admit, this day wasnt one of my finest.  cranky, that was me.  poor jason  :(  i was extremely tired from climbing 5 days in a row in Maple, then getting in the van the next day and driving 12 hours through Nevada which is terribly, terribly hot and boring, then getting up and climbing two 3-pitch climbs .. wahhh wahhh wahhh .. ahhhh!  just suck it up!  ok ok .. done.  ;)

the first climb we did was Corrugation Corner, 5.7.  super classic for the area.  there was actually a line for it on a thursday!  really good holds, cool rock formations, dihedrals, exposed, balancy traverse, spooky whale flop (no good feet!) onto a ledge at the top of pitch 2, chimney shimmy .. this climb has it all!

i'm the black speck in the middle of the photo in a dihedral.  this is taken from the top of the climb.  do you see the "heights" below me??

jason is breaking down the anchor .. be very careful ..

of course, the summit photo!

the second climb we did was Bear's Reach, 5.7.  this was more face climbing on a flake.  the best way to see this is Dan Osman speed climbing and soloing without a rope this exact same climb (also we didnt take any pics).  it takes him 5 minutes.  it took us a few hours ;)  here is youtube:

so ive learned a few things about myself regarding multipitch trad days:
- they wear me out more than any sport day ive ever had!  is it all the hiking/approaching?  am i mentally drained bc i'm so far off the ground?  i'm still thinking on this.
- i want all the holds to be good, really really good, really bomber juggy good!  all the multipitch trad climbs that ive done so far have had awesome holds.  i just really want them to stay that way ;)  i dont want shimmers of doubt in my head that the next hold could be small, or slopey .. i just want really good juggy holds!
- jason and i need to really learn how to "pack light."  this is a work-in-progress.  carrying a pack is a super big pain in the butt.
- YES i am still spooked by the heights!  it FREEEEAKS me out!  i try not to think about it too much but when i'm belaying and im sitting on the ledge and looking out with hundreds of feet below me .. i most definitely see those heights!  whew, scary!
- thank you JK for letting me take the purple velcro shoes!  they just fit so well for these long days of climbing.. thank you sooooo much!  :)

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