Saturday, August 20, 2011

taking advice from friends: dont pass up on opportunities!

as we're driving on a highway through the Redwood Forest, we suddenly see a blinking construction sign that reads, "watch out for crowds."  we're thinking, "what the heck?  we're on a highway."  and sure enough, we round the corner, and there are cars parked and people walking along this bridge.  traffic has slowed to about 5mph.  we cross the bridge and see a crowd of people on the left side, but we have no idea what they're doing.

keypoints of our discussion while driving across the bridge:
"what is going on?"
"why is everyone on the left side and no one is one the right side?"
"should we stop and check it out?"
"let's check it out."

we cross the bridge by now, but park anyway on the other side.  there are tons of parked cars on this side too!  we get out and start walking over.  im really curious what is going on!  i just want to see .. very fortunately, jason grabbed the camera.  :)

our discussion while walking back over to the other side:
"what are they looking at?" (im peeking over the bridge to save the walk to the other side, but i cant see a thing)
"how come no one is saying anything?"  no reactions either.  (as they are walking back to their cars)
"its going to be a bunch of kayakers doing some training exercise."
"haha this is going to be something really stupid"

"oh wait, i see something .. there is something in the water!"

and guess what was in the water..

WE SAW A WHALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i kid you not, a whale!!  it is one of the most amazing things ive ever seen!  there we were crossing a bridge over the Klamath River.. and there is a whale making big circles underneath!  it would swim deeper into the water, but every few minutes it would come up for air!  what a sight!

now i was worried thinking there is a whale in a river and no one seemed worried about it.. how come there werent rescue teams taking the whale back out to the ocean?  there was a police officer who drove back and forth across the bridge forcing cars to move, and patrolled general safety.  as the whale swam from one side of the bridge to the other, the crowd would cross the busy street alongside with it!  jason and i did it too.  really funny!  we also saw the River Coast Guard stop and talk to a boat of two photographers who were wayyyy too close to the whale.  in fact, at one point they were right on top of it and it looked like the motor could cut the whale.  very scary.  so, government people know the whale is there .. yet no rescue teams?  we looked at the Redwood National Park page later and it seems that this is a migration path for the gray whale .. and i guess this is normal for them to be in this river.  CRAZY!

anyway, enjoy the pics!

.. i cant believe we saw a whale!!

"i think there is something in the water"  (white line near the top of the photo)

coming up for air..

they are idiots.. literally chasing it around.. stupid boat is scaring the whale!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

swimming under the bridge

sooooooo awesome!!

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